Long list of values
This page is a resource for my ebook Values—A Workbook for Clarifying and Arranging Your Personal Core Values, which discusses the importance of exploring and articulating one's personal values.
It also clarifies the confusion around what values are versus beliefs and attitudes, using examples to illustrate the different concepts.
Most importantly, my ebook includes a simple but effective method for exploring and articulating your core values.
If you wonder what the value of that is, it's because you haven't read my book yet.
If you're uncomfortable with English enough to associate meaning with these words, use Google Translate or something similar.
This list is rather long, so you may want to start with this shorter list of values if you feel overwhelmed.
If you're missing something, you can come back here to the long list.
Ability | Excellence | Pleasure |
Abundance | Excitement | Plentiful-ness |
Acceptance | Exhilaration | Poise |
Accomplishment | Expectancy | Popularity |
Achievement | Expediency | Potency |
Acknowledgement | Experience | Practicality |
Adaptability | Expertise | Pragmatism |
Adequacy | Exploration | Precision |
Adventure | Expressiveness | Preeminence |
Affection | Extravagance | Preparedness |
Affluence | Extroversion | Presence |
Alertness | Exuberance | Privacy |
Aliveness | Facilitating | Proactivity |
Ambition | Fairness | Professionalism |
Amusement | Faith | Proficiency |
Anticipation | Fame | Prosperity |
Appreciation | Family | Prudence |
Approachability | Fascination | Punctuality |
Artfulness | Fearlessness | Purity |
Articulacy | Fidelity | Qualification |
Assertiveness | Fineness | Quality |
Assurance | Finesse | Quietness |
Attentiveness | Firmness | Readiness |
Attractiveness | Fitness | Realism |
Audacity | Flexibility | Reason |
Authenticity | Flow | Recognition |
Availability | Fluency | Recreation |
Awareness | Fluidity | Refinement |
Balance | Focus | Reflection |
Beauty | Fortitude | Relaxation |
Belongingness | Frankness | Reliability |
Benevolence | Freedom | Resilience |
Blissfulness | Friendliness | Resolution |
Boldness | Friendship | Resolve |
Bravery | Frugality | Resourcefulness |
Brilliance | Fun | Respect for others |
Briskness | Gallantry | Responsibility |
Buoyancy | Generosity | Restfulness |
Calmness | Gentility | Restraint |
Camaraderie | Genuineness | Reverence |
Candor | Giving | Richness |
Capability | Grace | Rigor |
Care for others | Gratefulness | Sacredness |
Carefulness | Gratitude | Sacrifice |
Certainty | Gregariousness | Sagacity |
Challenge | Growth | Saintliness |
Charity | Guidance | Sanguinity |
Charm | Happiness | Satisfaction |
Chastity | Harmony | Security |
Cheerfulness | Health | Security |
Clarity | Heart | Self Respect |
Classy | Helpfulness | Self-control |
Cleanliness | Heroism | Self-realization |
Cleverness | Holiness | Self-reliance |
Closeness | Honesty | Selflessness |
Cognizance | Honor | Sensitivity |
Comfort | Hopefulness | Sensuality |
Commitment | Hospitality | Serenity |
Compassion | Humility | Service to others |
Competence | Humor | Sexuality |
Complacency | Hygiene | Sharing |
Completion | Imagination | Shrewdness |
Composure | Impact | Significance |
Concentration | Impartiality | Silence |
Confidence | Impeccability | Silliness |
Conformity | Independence | Simplicity |
Congruency | Industry | Sincerity |
Connection | Ingenuity | Skillfulness |
Consciousness | Innovation | Smartness |
Consistency | Inquisitiveness | Solidarity |
Contention | Insightfulness | Solidity |
Contentment | Inspiration | Solitude |
Continuity | Instinctiveness | Sophistication |
Contribution | Integrity | Soundness |
Control | Intelligence | Speed |
Conviction | Intensity | Spirit |
Conviviality | Intimacy | Spirituality |
Coolness | Intrepidness | Spontaneity |
Cooperation | Introversion | Stability |
Cordiality | Intuition | Stillness |
Correctness | Intuitiveness | Strength |
Courage | Inventiveness | Structure |
Courtesy | Joy | Substantiality |
Craftiness | Judiciousness | Success |
Creativity | Justice | Sufficiency |
Credibility | Keenness | Superbness |
Cunning | Kindness | Support |
Curiosity | Knowledge | Supremacy |
Daring | Knowledgeableness | Surprise |
Decisiveness | Lavishness | Sympathy |
Deepness | Leadership | Synergy |
Deference | Learning | Tactfulness |
Delicacy | Liberation | Teamwork |
Delight | Liberty | Temperance |
Dependability | Liveliness | Thankfulness |
Depth | Logic | Thoroughness |
Desire | Longevity | Thoughtfulness |
Determination | Love | Thrift |
Devotion | Loyalty | Tidiness |
Dexterity | Mastery | Timeliness |
Dignity | Maturity | Traditionalism |
Diligence | Mellowness | Tranquility |
Diplomacy | Meticulousness | Transcendence |
Direction | Mindfulness | Trust |
Directness | Moderation | Trustworthiness |
Discernment | Modesty | Truth |
Discipline | Motivation | Understanding |
Discovery | Mysteriousness | Uniqueness |
Discretion | Neatness | Unity |
Diversity | Nerve | Usefulness |
Dreaming | Obedience | Utility |
Drive | Open-mindedness | Valor |
Duty | Openness | Variety |
Dynamism | Optimism | Victory |
Eagerness | Opulence | Vigor |
Economy | Order | Virtue |
Ecstasy | Organization | Vision |
Education | Originality | Vitality |
Effectiveness | Outlandishness | Vivacity |
Efficiency | Outrageousness | Warmth |
Elation | Passion | Watchfulness |
Elegance | Peace | Wealth |
Empathy | Peacefulness | Well-being |
Encouragement | Perceptiveness | Wholesomeness |
Endurance | Perfection | Willfulness |
Energy | Perseverance | Willingness |
Enjoyment | Persistence | Winning |
Entertainment | Persuasiveness | Wisdom |
Enthusiasm | Philanthropy | Wittiness |
Equality | Piety | Wonder |
Evolution | Playfulness | Worthiness |
Exactness | Pleasantness | Zeal |
Too much to handle? You may want to start with this shorter list of values and if you're missing something you can come back here to the longer list.